Are You Living Your Best Life?
If you want to live your best life, you're going to have to work for it!
Everyone has a cross to bear. Mine has been self-esteem. I allowed it to be part of my identity for far too long. I believed the lies. But, when I said yes to God, he began a great work in me. He helped me break up with my burdens and break through to His best for me.
I know I'm work in progress and I'm leaning on God as I grow!
What's your cross?
Do you want to live your best life? We should talk!
Yes, I Want to Live My Best Life!
The Work We Can Do Together
I'm YOUR coach and accountability partner. I'm here for YOU!
I guide you through a personalized process to help you open up, and together, we'll work through whatever you need to work through to break up with the burdens that are holding you back from being the best you!
God created you for a purpose. Let's make sure you're living it! God loves you and Jesus is always there to help you.
I am His open vessel and directed by Him to give you a safe place to be heard, healed, restored, reset, refocused and re-energized about the extraordinary life God has for you. I help you feel and trust His love for you.
If you're willing to do the work to align with who God says you are, you can grow in your relationship with Him and let Him lead you to the amazing life He designed for you in advance!
I Want to Know More!
I help you live a life of integrity-
Living your faith in every aspect of your life!

Are You Living Your Best Life?
Knowing and Growing You
Life takes a lot of work, and sometimes we lose our way or get stuck and need help. It's the human experience. If you want better, you have to be and do better. You have to break up with the burdens that hold you back and break through to the best you. God is ready to help you! Are you ready to do the work to live your best life?

Do You Want Better Relationships?
Your Relationships
God designed us to be in relationship with each other. Sounds great, but relationships are hard work, and they're complicated. When your relationships are off track, so are you. Do you have the relationship mindset, skills, and tools to keep your relationships on track?
Do You Have the Career You Want?
Excelling in Your Career
Your career is an important part of your life, but it shouldn't be your life. Are you thinking about your job in the context of your life, or are you thinking about life in the context of your job? Successfully navigating your life and career can be challenging. Do you need to rethink your career?
"A friend shared a posting from Clarity and Wisdom, and it made me think. I was going through a tough time, and I couldn't see my way out. I reached out to Terri, and we discussed my situation. After talking with her for a few minutes, I felt I could trust her and believed she could help me.
We met weekly and began working through the issues. Terri listened and helped me see things from a different perspective. She showed me how I could lean on God and His word in ways that I could understand and take action on. My relationship with God changed and my life changed.
I didn’t know how a coach could help me, but I do now. I highly recommend working with Terri!
Need Practical Advice?
Everyone has struggles. It’s our shared human experience.
Enjoy these encouraging thoughts and experiences to help you navigate your life journey!
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Are you Making These Relationship Mistakes?
The quality of your relationships determines the quality of your life. When relationships work, life is great! When they don’t, life can be stressful and painful.
Healthy relationships don't just happen. They take constant, intentional work. You could be making these 5 relationship mistakes and not even know it.
Download our workbook to improve the quality of your relationships and your life!