Our Forever Cheerleader
Dec 23, 2021
I am so grateful that God is so patient with me. I may have the best of intentions, but I get distracted, I waiver in my confidence and don’t do what He tells me to do, when He tells me to do it. Yet, He continues to love me, doesn’t give up on me and keeps encouraging me. He’s my forever cheerleader!
How Do You See Your Weakness?
What you consider a weakness is an opportunity for God to show His power. Intellectually, you may know this, but living the reality is hard. The culture has us well trained. You chide yourself. You feel bad that you can’t do something or that you did something. You struggle and you wallow. It’s all too easy to become entrapped by negative feelings of insecurity, guilt and shame.
The reality of every situation is that God knows exactly where you are at all times. He’s not surprised by anything you do or don’t do. His desire is always for you to come to him with what you need and to trust Him to give you what's best. He doesn’t expect you to figure things out on your own. He doesn’t like to see you struggle unless, it's for His purposes.
Stop Holding Yourself Back!
With God, it’s okay to not be perfect. He knows you’re not. It’s all right not to know. You can’t know everything. It’s fine to make a mistake. Mistakes are correctable. It’s understandable to struggle. It’s called a growth opportunity. These are the times when God can work in your life on the very things that tend to trip you up over and over again. He doesn’t want you holding yourself back. He has great work for to do!
We all feel weak and vulnerable at times. It’s the human condition. We struggle with things we want to change but can’t seem to. We have past hurts that continue to hurt us in the present. We listen to a culture that often tells us we’re not enough and we should be more. Weakness is vulnerability and vulnerability is weakness. How do you get out of this vicious circle?
Change Your Perspective!
You can change the way the way you see your weaknesses. Easy to say, but hard to do on your own. Your weaknesses are there for a reason. They are God opportunities. Acknowledge them and ask Him for help. In time, your perspective will change, because God will be changing you. He is waiting to be asked. And when you ask, let Him to do His work in you!
There are few things in life that are absolutes. Here’s one – God is your forever cheerleader! He’s always available to you. He’ll always help you and He’ll never give up on you! He loves you so much – imperfections and all! Your weakness is made perfect in His power.
Take it in. Rest in it. Rely on it. Live it.
How has God shown up in your weakness? I’d love to hear your testimony!
The Truth
Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So, I am glad to boast about my own weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me. 2 Corinthians 12:9 (NLT)
I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13 (NLT)
A Prayer
Heavenly Father, I am so grateful that you love me in all my imperfections. You never give up on me. You are my forever cheerleader. You know what I struggle with and why I struggle with it. Lord, help me address whatever I need to address so it no longer holds me back. You created me for a purpose, and you have work for me to do. Help me get out of my own way so I can do it. I love you Lord. Amen.
It’s Your Life by Francesca Battistelli
Mended by Matthew West
Perfect People by Natalie Grant
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