Real Integrity Can’t Be Compromised
Dec 23, 2021
When you’re a person of faith, living your faith is who you are, no matter where you are or what circumstances you’re in. You are a person of integrity. When you’re at work, you don’t change to fit in, you don’t compromise your values to keep your job and you don’t hide your faith for fear of judgment.
But we all know, interesting decisions are made in the workplace.
Do you change to fit in?
Whenever you work in a community of people, there are always adjustments you’ll need to make. If no one adjusted, how would anything get done? But there’s a difference between adjusting your behavior and changing who you are to fit in.
Trista was enjoying lunch with a few co-workers. She was never really comfortable with some of their conversations, especially when it turned to their leader, Ann. Her co-workers clearly had an issue with her. Trista never actively participated in these conversations, but she did sit there quietly and listen.
Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character. 1 Corinthians 15:33
Trista knew these conversations were gossip. Were her friendships more important than her integrity?
Are you compromising your values?
Our values define what’s important to us. They influence how we make decisions. We know when we’re acting in alignment with our values and when we’re not.
Austin knew the company had fired other people for less. But because this was a vice president, the senior leaders seemed to look the other way. Despite his temper and blatant disregard for others, the vice president had been rewarded with two promotions in three years. If anyone else had shown that type of behavior in a meeting, they would have been fired or at a minimum, been given serious disciplinary action.
May integrity and honesty protect me, for I put my hope in you. Psalm 25:21
One of the company’s stated values was respect for others. All employees were well aware of these values. Austin was really troubled by this double standard, but he recently applied for a management position and didn’t know if speaking up would hurt his chances. Was his potential promotion more important than his integrity?
Are You Hiding Your Faith?
If you’re living your faith, people will know it. Truth is truth and doesn’t change based on the environment you’re in or the circumstances you face. You are where you are for a reason. You are to stand up and stand out.
Madison was facilitating a class around the Christmas holiday. At the end of the day, she wished everyone a “Happy Holiday”. One of the participants came up afterwards and asked her if she celebrated Christmas. “Yes, I do”, she answered. “Then why are you wishing everyone a happy holiday instead of saying Merry Christmas?” he asked. Madison said she knows everyone doesn’t celebrate Christmas and she was trying to be respectful of that. Then the participant said, “You don’t need to hide the fact that you celebrate Christmas just to be politically correct. You have a right let others know you celebrate Christmas.”
But anyone who denies me here on earth, I will also deny before my Father in heaven. Luke 12:9
Madison was taken aback. Had she been so focused on being politically correct that was she denying her own faith?
These are just a few of the situations we can face at work that should give us pause. Do our decisions support our faith? Are they driven by our own desires? Do they reflect what's acceptable to an ever-changing culture or do they support God's never changing truth?
I know, my God, that you test the heart and are pleased with integrity. 1 Chronicles 29:17
Living a life of integrity is hard work. It’s often counter-culture and it’s not popular. You may be called names, be made fun of and you may even lose some friends. But what you’ll gain is much more valuable. You are called to be the salt of the earth and the light in the darkness. The decisions you make are how others see God through you.
A Prayer
Heavenly Father, please show me in ways I can understand, how I am compromising my faith. I don’t always see or know it, but I know that I do it. I want to be a person of integrity that draws people to want to know you better. I am your hands and feet on this earth, and I want my decisions to reflect my faith in you. I love you Lord. Amen.
Live Like That by Sidewalk Prophets
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