You Have What You Allow
Dec 23, 2021
Is that true? If so, it hurts. It feels better when you can blame someone else for where you are and how you feel. But you can’t. This simple statement reflects the power of choice you’ve always had, whether you’ve chosen to exercise it or not.
From a young age, Jay remembered feeling like his opinions didn’t really matter. People talked over him, didn’t acknowledge what he said or told him what he thought wasn’t important. It hurt him and it shaped his thinking and behavior. He learned quickly not to share his opinions.
Jay’s an adult now, but there are still times when he reverts to being that little child. Maybe it’s in a meeting or when he’s with his friends or just talking with someone one-on-one. He’s hesitant to share what he thinks and how he feels. He fears being judged and rejected, so he strives to be generic and accepted. His wounds are deep. He wants things to change but doesn’t know how. He’s frustrated and can’t seem to break out of his cycle.
There’s a Jay in all of us. Although, he has much more life experience as an adult, his fundamental belief about the value of his opinions is still rooted in his experiences as a child. He’s stuck. He remains afraid. He’s forgotten he has a choice in how he thinks and how he allows others to treat him. He’s forgotten that he can make a change anytime he wants to.
We’re all creatures of habit and we’ve learned how to dance with ourselves and others. In a dance, one leads, and one follows. In managing our life, our thinking leads our behavior and behavior is what people see and follow.
No matter what the issue, it really isn’t about anyone else but you. No one knows what’s going on in your head until you choose to tell them through your words or show them through your behavior. God has given you the great privilege of choice.
- You can choose what you think.
- You can choose what you do.
- You can choose to make changes in your life.
You can choose to stop following what you don’t want and start leading with what you do want.
Don’t let fear control you. Lean on your faith and trust God to get you through. He knows how hard this is for you and He wants to move beyond it. Do you?
God created you and everything about you. You are an amazing work in progress. He has a purpose for you to be on this earth at this time in history. He knows the unique contributions He designed you to make. Don’t let others or yourself, rob you of that.
You have what you allow. If you don’t like it, you have the power to change it. Isn’t that awesome?
I’d love to hear how you're making choices that are changing your life. You can comment here or email me at [email protected].
The Truth
For God has not given give us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline.
2 Timothy 1:7 (NLT)
A Prayer
Heavenly Father, thank you for giving me the power of choice. Help me see what needs to change in my life and help me change it. Help me move beyond my fear knowing you are right beside me cheering me on. Thank you for giving me the power to choose to your strength over my fear. I love you Lord, amen.
Fear is a Liar by Zack Williams
Post: Who Has God Made Me?
Category: Navigating Life
Who has God made me?
Is that who I see
As I love my life each day?
Surrendering to His will
I’m praying He will fill
My Heart His special way.
He eases all my pain,
Takes away my shame
And He fills my heart with joy.
He gives me strength and peace.
My fear I will release
So His love I can enjoy.
Like a tree, I’m strong.
I know right from wrong
And I can weather any storm.
He is my guiding light,
Forever shining bright
And to Him I will conform.
Who has God made me?
That’s who I want to be
As I love my life each day.
When I look up I see
My savior loving me
And I know I am okay!
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